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[Voice]I Will Miss LOCALIFE! (Gio・LOCALIFE Shinjuku)

[Voice]I will miss LOCALIFE! (Gio・LOCALIFE Shinjuku)

I moved into LOCALIFE in May 2017, I had visited once in 2015 and I remembered such a nice and cozy atmosphere that I wanted to live here.

After 3 months unexpectedly I needed to go back to Italy, but my time at LOCALIFE was the best! Otsu, a share mate at the house, and I had lived together in another sharehouse so we already knew each other.

David, Mano, Tatsuki, Mick, and Saho I didn’t know before but they are such nice people it was very easy to make an instant connection. We always cooked great food and had interesting conversations about Japan and Europe and the future. We became obsessed with watching tv series and talking about life. They are now my precious friends and I hope to see them many times again in the future.

It was also really nice getting to meet many travellers from all over the world and share experiences and knowledge. I could meet very nice couch-surfers like:

– Malvin from Switzerland, who travelled all of Japan from Okinawa to Hokkaido in 3 months.

– Sarah and Remi from France who have been travelling all over the world for one year.

– Zeno, who has been travelling Japan to learn about Japanese food and his girlfriend Anne- Charlotte.

– Bruno who is a German chef who is travelling all south-east Asia to learn all about it’s cuisine.

…And many more.


It is great being able to share the knowledge of a place you love (in this case for me Japan) with people who are visiting and maybe seeing it for the first time.

As I lived in Localife, we organised a lot of fun activities like cruising on the Sumida river…!

Wakeboarding in Arakawa river…!

Nagashi soumen on the terrace!

A Sake Tasting Event with Italian food and it was really fun.

I will miss localife, my awesome flatmates and the possibility to meet new travellers every week! After this experience I think I might continue hosting couch-surfers in Italy too.

This article was written by Gio from Italy as she moved out.






